Sunday, April 13, 2008

Orkut OpenSocial - Official Launch in India

As per my prediction (after reading this Post) Google might launch its OpenSocial Platform on 18th of April for All profiles who marked "India" as their Country.

Some forums/Blogs went ahead and declared that Orkut Team just overlooked India, Brazil and other Countries when it came to Launch OpenSocial Platform and suggested for a Global Launch.. LOL!!

Guyz! open your mind and think Practical!! What are you ppl asking for.. "A global Launch??". Dam!! its so not Practical..

Going for a Global launch is just not Practical because of some reasons like :

1. First and foremost the apps which are created cant take that much of load at one GO! the servers might just burnout, due to heavy traffic.

2. Launching Apps for Places Like Estonia gives low chances of Down time as the User base is around 1% of the total orkuters around the global

3. Test run is always good so its better to test with less number of users and improve/rectify and fine tune the application before its given out for a country like india

4. After all its Google .. they know the web better then any other.. I can bet on it. :)

All ok with the News that Opensocial is lauching in India but whats thr for the USERS.. they have no idea on what opensocial is .... Trust me..
they just know one thing.. "Orkut= Scraps + Profiles" :D

So Orkut Users Get Ready to install some Apps Like :

My Hangman.
Books iRead
Emote and many more..

I will keep you posted on Catchy/Sticky Apps Daily.

Martin Selva